The registration proccess is now open. Please fill and submit in the registration form here by September 30th, 2017
Abstract submision
Please submit your abstract by September 30th 2017 to . Template for abstract can be downloaded here in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.
After this date the abstracts might not be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts.
Information regarding accompanying persons & participation of non-members of C-MAC
There is no hotel cost (including breakfast) for the accompanying person who will share a room with a conference participant. Guests are welcome at the Gala Dinner at the restaurant "Strofi" at the extra cost of 40 euros, payable at the conference secretariat upon registration (preferably by cash).
For non-members of CMAC who wish to participate at CMAC Days 2017, the total cost for 3 nights including breakfast and meals, except the Gala Dinner, is 380 euros payable directly at the hotel. Participants from
non-member organizations are welcome at the Gala Dinner at the extra cost of 40 euros, payable at the conference secretariat upon registration (preferably by cash).
The participants who wish to extend their stay at the hotel beyond the duration of the conference, may contact the hotel directly regarding room availability. The contact information of the hotel can be found here: