
C-MAC Days 2014 
8-11 December 2014, Zagreb, Croatia

The annual meeting of the European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds (C-MAC), C-MAC Days 2014  took place from December 8 -11 at the Institute of Physics in Zagreb, Croatia.

The fifth C-MAC Days (C-MAC Days 2014) was organized by the Institute of Physics and Faculty of Science, University of Split and financed with funds obtained from the C-MAC and to a lesser degree to the ones obtained from the Institute of Physics.



More than 90 scientists (27% of whome were women), mainly members of the C-MAC, attended the C-MAC Days 2014 and presented  34 oral contributions (4 keynote lectures, 12  invited and 6 short invited talks)  and 28 posters. The presentations are published on-line at the web page (cmac2014.eucmac.eu) and as Proceedings of C-MAC Days 2014 in the form of an abstracts booklet.

On behalf of the Progamme comittee of C-MAC Days 2014, we want to thank all participants for their attendance, as well as the members of the organizing committee: Ndoc Deda,  Jagoda Lukatela,  Petar Popčević,  Marija Sorić, and Kristijan Velebit.


We also wish to thank the management of the Institute of Physics for their support in organizing of the C-MAC Days 2014.

Prof. dr. Ante Bilušić & dr. Ana Smontara