ECMetAC Days
The main purpose of the ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on the most recent results achieved within the last year of the ECMetAC Consortium and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover the field of metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application oriented research:
- Development of new metallic alloys and compounds
- Structure determination, stability
- Physical, chemical and mechanical properties
- Surfaces of complex metallic alloys
- Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-caloric application
- Materials for catalysis
- Coating technologies
- Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment)
- High-entropy alloys
Upcoming events

- 24
- Nov
- 2025
ECMetAC Days 2025
- Dübendorf, Switzerland
The 16th edition of the ECMetAC Days will be organized by the nanotech@surfaces Laboratory at Empa, Switzerland, from November 24 to 27, 2025. The conference is a continuation of the series ECMetAC Days, organized annually by a member institution of the European Integrated Center for the Development of Metallic Alloys & Compounds (ECMetAC). The ECMetAC Days 2025 will provide an excellent opportunity to present and get acquainted with the latest results in the field of newly discovered metallic alloys and compounds. The topics include formation, stability, synthesis, structural and chemical characterization, physical, chemical and mechanical properties, surfaces and thin films, catalysis, theory, applications and new frontiers in metallic materials. The materials of interest are (but are not limited to) conventional crystalline intermetallics, complex metallic alloys, quasicrystals and other aperiodic solids and soft matter, metallic glasses, high-entropy alloys, intermetallics for catalysis, correlated-electron systems, thermoelectrics, magnetocalorics and related materials. The topics are highly interdisciplinary and include mathematics, physics, chemistry, metallurgy and materials science. The interest of the participants in scientific equipment will cover a wide range from UHV surface analytical tools like Scanning Probe Microscopy, Photoemission Spectroscopy and related UHV preparation methods, to high resolution magnetic and electrical properties characterization. Optical microscopy and spectroscopy techniques will be equally represented as chemical synthesis and computational modelling.
Past events
- 25
- Nov
- 2024
ECMetAC Days 2024 in Zagreb
- Zagreb
ECMetAC Days 2024 will be organized jointly by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, and the Institute of Physics, Zagreb, Croatia, from November 25 to 28, 2024, at the Institute of Physics in Zagreb. This is the second time that the Institute of Physics has hosted the event after 10 years. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the ECMetAC. The primary purpose of ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the ECMetAC action and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover research topics related to complex metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application-oriented research: Development of new metallic alloys and compounds Structure determination, stability Physical, chemical, and mechanical properties Surfaces of complex metallic alloys Materials for energy and quantum materials Materials for catalysis Coating technologies Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment) High-entropy alloys Contributions related to gender mainstreaming in (materials) science will also be most welcome. We look forward to meeting you in Zagreb, Mario Novak and Petar Popčević

- 30
- Nov
- 2023
ECMetAC Days 2023 in Kranjska Gora - Slovenia
- Kranjska Gora - Slovenia
We would like to inform you that the next ECMetAC Days 2023 will take place from 27th till 30th November 2023 in Kranjska Gora - Slovenia. Registration is now open!

- 27
- Nov
- 2023
Innovative Researcher: End-User Approach for Scientific Project Designing
- Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Innovative Researcher: End-User Approach for Scientific Project Designing Design Sprint (DS) is a methodology for quickly and effectively solving design problems. It draws on design thinking, i.e. creative design of solutions to problems, products and services, as well as other practical methods used in business. It is our wish to apply the DS approach also in science to make researchers more sensitive to end-users needs at the earliest stages of materials and products design and production. The DS process consists of five following stages that use design thinking to reduce risk and negative consequences when bringing a new project/product: understand (definition of the project goal), sketch (sketching of new ideas), decide (selecting the best solution), prototype (raw version of the project) and test (collecting opinions, further works on the product). The DS allows for a fast and cheap prototyping of ideas and their subsequent implementation. This workshop is dedicated to scientists whose research covers all levels of the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) starting from observations of basing principles (basic research levels TRL1 - TRL3) by technology validation in relevant environments (development levels TRL4 – TRL6) to demonstrators of prototypes (deployment levels TRL7 – TRL9). During our Workshop, to address such challenges of binding basic scientists with researchers who work at higher TRLs levels under real products we will build multidisciplinary teams. An end-user approach will allow us to study real needs and visualize particular solution and final product that we all use every day. An example of our project may be finding an environmentally friendly heating system to heat up a flat in a tenement house located in an Old Town. For that, participants of our workshop will collect an interview with a flat inhabitant including her/his preferences, financial status, etc. To support our participants in real world solutions, we will focus also on studies of real cases.

- 21
- Nov
- 2022
ECMetAC Days 2022 onsite
- Split in Croatia
The next ECMetAC Days will be organised from 21st till 24th November by The University of Split, Faculty of Science, in Split. The main purpose of ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the ECMetAC network and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover the field of metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application oriented research: Development of new metallic alloys and compounds, Structure determination, stability, Physical, chemical and mechanical properties, Surfaces of complex metallic alloys Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-caloric application, Quantum materials, Materials for catalysis, Coating technologies, Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment), and High-entropy alloys.

- 06
- Dec
- 2021
ECMetAC Days 2021 - online
- Split Croatia
The next ECMetAC Days will be organised from 6th till 9th December by The University of Split. The event will take place online. The main purpose of ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the ECMetAC network and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover the field of metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application oriented research: Development of new metallic alloys and compounds, Structure determination, stability, Physical, chemical and mechanical properties, Surfaces of complex metallic alloys Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-caloric application, Materials for catalysis, Coating technologies, Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment), and High-entropy alloys.
- 10
- Dec
- 2020
ECMetAC Days 2020 online Dec 7th-10th
- Online
Due to the pandemic situation, the next ECMetAC Days originally planned to take place in Split will be organised from 7th till 10th December online. The main purpose of ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the ECMetAC network and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover the field of metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application oriented research: Development of new metallic alloys and compounds Structure determination, stability Physical, chemical and mechanical properties Surfaces of complex metallic alloys Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-caloric application Materials for catalysis Coating technologies Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment) High-entropy alloys.

- 03
- Dec
- 2019
ECMetAC Days 2019 in Dresden
- Dresden
The next ECMetAC Days will take place from 3rd till 6th December in Dresden. This will mark the 10th anniversary of the European CMetAC consortium. The main purpose of the ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on the most recent results achieved within the last year of the ECMetAC Consortium and to discuss directions for future research. Contributions will cover the field of metallic alloys and compounds ranging from basic to application oriented research: Development of new metallic alloys and compounds Structure determination, stability Physical, chemical and mechanical properties Surfaces of complex metallic alloys Materials for thermoelectricity and magneto-caloric application Materials for catalysis Coating technologies Complexity in periodic and aperiodic metallic alloys and compounds (theory and experiment) High-entropy alloys

- 03
- Dec
- 2018
ECMetAC Days 2018 in Poznań
- Poznań
The main purpose of ECMetAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the ECMetAC network and to discuss directions for future research.

- 20
- Nov
- 2017
CMAC Days 2017 in Athens
- Athens
The main purpose of C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the C-MAC network and to discuss directions for future research.

- 21
- Nov
- 2016
C-MAC Days 2016 in Brastislava
- Brastislava
The main purpose of C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the C-MAC network and to discuss directions for future research.

- 24
- Nov
- 2015
C-MAC Days 2015 in Grenoble
- Grenoble
The main purpose of C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the C-MAC network and to discuss directions for future research.

- 08
- Dec
- 2014
C-MAC Days 2014 in Zagreb
- Zagreb
The main purpose of C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the C-MAC action and to discuss directions for future research.

- 09
- Dec
- 2013
C-MAC Days 2013 in Ljubljana
- Ljubljana
The main purpose of C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on recent results achieved within the current year of the C-MAC action and to discuss directions for future research.

- 11
- Dec
- 2012
C-MAC Days 2012 in Kraków
- Kraków
The main purpose of the C-MAC Days is to provide comprehensive information on the most recent results achieved within the last year of the C-MAC Consortium, educate and to discuss directions for future research.