
ECMetAC is organizing on an annual basis the ECMetAC European School in Materials Science. Started in 2006 within the CMA network of excellence, the aim of the Euroschool is to provide a lecture-style background to young scientists, Phd students and graduate students in the field of crys­tal­log­ra­phy, chem­istry, ma­te­ri­al sci­ence or sol­id state physic, in particular the physics of metals and metallurgy. Lectures are given by experts coming from academia, research and industry. They provide lecture on a step by step basis, with tutorial organized so as to practice the notion learned. The tar­get­ed au­di­ence includes PhD stu­dents, young or ex­pe­ri­enced sci­en­tists work­ing in the field of crys­tal­log­ra­phy, chem­istry, ma­te­ri­al sci­ence or sol­id state physic, etc...The list of the EuroSchools is given below, along with the specific field taught. The last EuroSchool 2019 was organised jointly with the 4th International School on aperiodic crystals in Portbail, France.

Upcoming events

  • 04
  • Nov
  • 2024

Euroschool 2024 in Jülich

  • Jülich

The Euroschool 2024 will take place from 4th till 8th November 2024. Registrations are now open.

Past events

  • 10
  • Mar
  • 2023

Euroschool 2023 Cancelled

The Euroschool 2023 initially planned in Sweden and then in Poland is cancelled.

  • 23
  • May
  • 2022

Euroschool 2022

  • Kutna Hora

The next Euroschool 2022 will be joint with the 5th International School on Aperiodic Crystals. It is being organized over 5 days in Kutna Hora, a historical town located 80 km east of Prague. Experts in the field of aperiodic crystals will give lectures and organize tutorials on a step by step basis different classes of aperiodic crystals. Various examples will then be presented, together with overviews on phase transitions, phonon and phasons, simulations and aperiodic crystal stability. The target audience of the event is Ph.D students, doctorate fellows, and people new to the field of material science and physics. For more information please visit the website.

  • 31
  • May
  • 2021

Euroschool 2021

  • online

ECMetAC Euroschool 2021: Complex Intermetallic Compounds for Applications 24-28 May 2021 (Online) Host: The University of Liverpool

  • 10
  • May
  • 2020

Cancelled- Euroschool 2020 "Intermetallic Compounds - Advanced Synthesis and Characterisation"

  • Chemnitz

From the 10th to the 16th of May 2020, the ECMetAC EuroSchool "Intermetallic Compounds - Advanced Synthesis and Characterisation" will take place at Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany. Intermetallic compounds have shown huge potential in different fields in the recent years, e.g. heterogeneous catalysis. The EuroSchool gathers experts in the field of synthesis and characteriza-tion of intermetallic compounds to provide participants a thorough understanding of these fields, serving as foundation for own research related to intermetallic compounds.

  • 08
  • Sep
  • 2019

EuroSchool 2019 in Portbail

  • Portbail France

The EuroSchool 2019 took place from 8th to 14th September 2019 in Normandy. The school entitled “4th International School on aperiodic Crystals” was organised jointly by the IUCR and the CNRS. The Euroschools organized by the ECMetAC Consortium are traditionally addressed to young scientists, postdocs, doctorants and students in such fields as condensed matter physics and chemistry, materials science, metallurgy and material engineering.

  • 24
  • Jun
  • 2018

EuroSchool 2018 in Krakow

  • Krakow

The Euroschool 2018 was focused on complex materials converting energy (thermoelectrics, magnetocalorics, ...) from theoretical and experimental points of view, accounting for fundamental issues and applications, and including wide aspects of electron and phonon properties as well as their interactions in complex multiatom alloys.

  • 10
  • Sep
  • 2017

EuroSchool 2017 in Split

  • Split, Croatia

Physical properties I – electrons, phonons and interactions in complex systems focused on basic physical properties of complex metallic systems. It took place in coastal metropolis Split, Croatia.

  • 03
  • Jul
  • 2016

EuroSchool 2016 in Antwerp

  • Antwerp

In this school the basics of the analysis of aperiodic crystals was explained for a non-specialist tar­get­ au­di­ence, i.e. Phd stu­dents or ex­pe­ri­enced sci­en­tists work­ing in the field of crys­tal­log­ra­phy, chem­istry, ma­te­ri­al sci­ence or sol­id state physic and will­ing to have a ba­sic un­der­stand­ing of ape­ri­od­ic crys­tals.

  • 01
  • Jun
  • 2015

EuroSchool 2015 in Bratislava

  • Bratislava, Slovakia

C-Mac EuroSchool 2015 was dedicated to Material synthesis and characterization applied to complex metallic alloys and it took place in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia.

  • 16
  • Jun
  • 2014

EuroSchool 2014 in Liverpool

  • Liverpool

The theme of the Euroschool was Intermetallic Compounds and Energy Applications.

  • 07
  • Apr
  • 2013

EuroSchool 2013 in Bayreuth

  • Bayreuth, Germany

The "2nd International School on Aperiodic Crystals" took place at the University of Bayreuth in Bayreuth, Germany, from 7 through 12 April 2013. The School has been organized by the Commission on Aperiodic Crystals of the International Union of Cystallography (IUCr), with the support from the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, "formation permanente"), the European C-MAC and the German Crystallographic Association (DGK).

  • 22
  • Apr
  • 2012

EuroSchool 2012 in Dresden

  • Dresden

The EuroSchool addressed the timely topic of intermetallic compounds in catalysis. Intermetallic compounds play a major role on conventionally supported heterogeneous catalysts by being formed under reducing pre-treatment conditions or during reaction. In addition, they can form the basis for a knowledge-based approach in catalysis, enabling fast development and innovation.

  • 22
  • May
  • 2011

EuroSchool 2011 in Toulouse

  • Toulouse

The purpose of the school was to give the basis of the crystallography and crystallo-chemistry allowing a better understanding of complex metallic alloys. A thorough introduction to the concepts of crystal chemistry and chemical bonding was given and followed by its application to CMA.

  • 24
  • May
  • 2010

EuroSchool 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Ljubljana, Slovenia

The program consisted of Basic tutorials, where six lecturers have presented altogether 24 lecturing hours (of 50 min duration each) and Advanced tutorials, where eight lecturers have presented 14 lecturing hours. The speakers were invited on the basis of excellence and good response was obtained.

  • 25
  • May
  • 2009

EuroSchool 2009 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Ljubljana, Slovenia

The program consisted of Basic tutorials, where seven lecturers presented altogether 27 lecturing hours (of 50 min duration each) and Advanced tutorials, where six lecturers presented 11 lecturing hours. The speakers were invited on the basis of excellence and good response was obtained.