MRS Fall Meeting

  • 25
  • Nov
  • 2012

he next MRS Fall Meeting will take place in Boston November 25 - 30, 2012. We would like to draw your attention to Symposium KK "Complex Metallic Alloys", which we organized as a forum for current reasearch in the field of CMAs. Abstracts dealing with experimental and theoretical work on CMAs and on Quasicrystals are welcome.

The call for papers is available on the MRS website at

Abstract submission is open from May 19 until June 19, 2012.

We have an attractive lineup of invited speakers, which will ensure an exciting and up-to-date symposium.

Marc Armbruester (Max Planck Inst. for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany)
Silke Buehler-Paschen (Technical Univ. Vienna, Austria)
Julia Dshemuchadse (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Holger Euchner (Univ. Stuttgart, Germany)
Emilie Gaudry (Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Nancy, France)
Marc Heggen (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)
Do Hyang Kim (Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea)
Kaoru Kimura (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
Julian Ledieu (Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Nancy, France)
Gordon Miller (Ames Laboratory and Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA)
Sergio Scudino (IFW Dresden, Germany)
Ryuji Tamura (Science Univ. Tokyo, Japan).

As a colleague working in this field you are cordially encouraged to attend the symposium and to submit an abstract about your current work. Our experience with the three previous MRS symposia organized in the field (Fall 1998, Fall 2000, and Fall 2003) is that these meetings are highly fruitful and exciting, and also give us the chance to introduce our research to a wider audience from other fields in Materials Science.

The organizers M. Feuerbacher, V. Fournee, Y. Ishii, and C. Jenks.